Monday, November 28, 2005

Example Of Positive Army Counseling

urgent does not let us see what is important.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

10th November Scorpio


not let your dreams be dreams

Thursday, November 3, 2005

High Esr And T4 Reading What Does It Mean

When q mc donalds thought was a 5 star restaurant

I remember those days ... play the hidden ... go to the birthday ... to stay to sleep at my friends house ... play all afternoon at the ball ... watching cartoons and sleeping a thousand times every day ... to go to school and do not stop laughing ... crossing the ocean with a paper boat ... those days when it mattered most q candies silver ... q days when everything was simpler ... when I do not care how he was dressed and had hair like ... when I thought the world was fair q q people were honest ... when I thought everything was possible ... q when a hug from my parents could transform the worst tires in the best of smiles ... if only to dream enough to do whatever ... q q at the end when I thought the good always win ... those days was that little person in q q only knew of songs, games and color names. And the years passed ... growth ... "Mature" ... and at some point I learned too. Learned from wars, lies, hunger, prejudice, injustice, poverty, pain, sickness and death ... . Q What happened to the days when the worst q q q thought could happen was me q me out the ball, lost the figures oq, oq me last elected to the team? ... "Q step with the times when I thought all would live forever q porq q did not know or understand was death?. Q were times I was excited with simple things. Q times the music was clean and healthy ... q times there was magic. I remember when q was innocent and thought everyone was happy I porq was ... q when only thought was going to be when you grow without the worry of doing or not ... when I thought about how it would fulfill my dreams and how I was going to save the world. I would go back and walk on the beach ... and only think of the sand between my toes, without worrying about pollution ... would spend the whole day riding bikes and climbing trees in a park, not worry about me going to rob q. Q I remember in those days did not care about the time nor the money. I want to believe in the power of the smile, the hug, a kind word, justice, truth ... I want to believe in the power of dreams and imagination ... . I want to believe in humans and puppets want to redraw the sand and play with watercolors. Q I want to believe there is still that little person inside of me playing q q laughing ... q that little person going to save the world. I q even as an adult that child under 6 years still exists within me. I live so q q if that young person I once was somehow see me as I am today, q q I think the good and not evil ... I want to live and be someone that young person had dreamed of being when he grows ... . Maybe if we all acted and think a bit more like those little people q once were the world would be a better place.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Running Back Camps In Texas

As we continue?

We give up or continue? ... I try to follow, but nothing changes ... then not if I want to ... but I like just because I used to continue ... but sometimes when I'm almost stopped ... more and more often ... costs more each time I boot, ... I have increasingly less willing to start ... q I can do I wonder? like leaving a path that that is wrong, but for which transits and too and of which I can not get out? ... I have to do? follow the wrong path or stop? ... perhaps both options take me to the same ... q as time passes I feel more and more lost ... is becoming increasingly more difficult and I have less inclination to confront the way in I q.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Feeder's Supply Coupon

Wasting time??

be happy? be okay? search ... Find yourself ... waste time? whether or not ...? q is I ... q porq we ask it? q porq everything is closed? ... maybe some things are yes and no simultaneously. I'm going for a walk .... someone wants to come?

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Examples Of College Appeals


If something bothers you, you go ... if anything you say will hurt you anymore ... you go away ... I think life takes and gives, and that the function must continue, and as you can wear. Want to be you but you can not, however much you want you can not, because your life does not leave you or because you do not leave. You think you have to find a better place, wait for a better time, when maybe you only you have to look for yourself. So close yet so far ... hurt you, you break your arm and you turned to how could you ... you opened when you shut ... never find what you find at most wanted to be happy ... and do you feel alone and even 're not, do you feel alone, but only ever ... q and do not understand why. Maybe I miss you to, maybe it was bad luck, maybe it's just so and there is no why. No matter how close you were ... only matter that did not get, you know, you know the pain that you feel is true, as you know it's true that you can break your heart, you know we do not want to trust anything or anybody, you know that hopes are not infinite and gradually fade, and as you know the only thing I wanted was to be happy.

Monday, June 27, 2005

I Have A Rash What Is It Hiv

I want to wake ... but still I can not.

How understand we have to do, and understand what that cry from within, when outside they all tell us otherwise ... as not to get so make it look like something special ... as not to lose again and again throughout our days ... like waking up from that dream that shapes us and shut us and molded us into our reality to make it easier over time (provided you do not think we lose, ... in what could be). .. if I lose I want someone to find me, somebody please wait ... I have the strength and courage to listen ... because we all know deep inside us to do, and do not want to wait for my life I have escaped to start listening. It is not easy to gather the forces, the desire, the courage (or whatever) to address what we feel, but it's the only thing that can save us ... that can save us, we can wake of all that we can give birth when our life is anything but what we feel is life.

we wake up one day? ... You?, Would I?, All? ... Nobody? ... like to know.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Name Of Dental Extraction Forceps

Back home! This Reunion

Well, finally back home. In Uruguay denuevo, and now to face with everything to stop hanging to go (family, friends, study, laburo, etc). Also beginning the task of counting the trip (for which I q I will use this blogg), where I hope to share this great experience that I lived.

Regards to all, and I promise to get in touch!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Dental Tray Set Up Amalgam

I know I'm very missing these past few months ... in a couple of weeks back to Uruguay and rewrite as before. For now I have neither time nor money to connect to internet ... the truth is that although this trip is teaching me a lot of things and making me see everything much clearer, much harder than I thought ... maybe the distance (in this moment I am in Jaipur ... very far ...) or the fact of being alone, but has made good traveling companions and friends, my people are in Uruguay. I leave you a hug and ask them not to be indifferent to anything ... do whatever, but do not be indifferent ... whatever happens.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Animated Image For Searching

which as the song says nothing else ... Just

... free you, but not me ...

Saturday, January 15, 2005

How Often Should Women Wax

... "Somehow I have to forget, however much choice is not easy, you know, I have the strength, has been too late ... and nothing more, nothing more, little else ... The nights will come and entangled the air, my lips become dry and try to kiss you ... What is the wax cold kiss anyone and anything else ... and nothing else, just nothing. The hours of stone seem tired and combing time in a gesture of loving. Somehow I have to forget and nothing more, nothing more, nothing ."... just
