Monday, November 28, 2005

Example Of Positive Army Counseling

urgent does not let us see what is important.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

10th November Scorpio


not let your dreams be dreams

Thursday, November 3, 2005

High Esr And T4 Reading What Does It Mean

When q mc donalds thought was a 5 star restaurant

I remember those days ... play the hidden ... go to the birthday ... to stay to sleep at my friends house ... play all afternoon at the ball ... watching cartoons and sleeping a thousand times every day ... to go to school and do not stop laughing ... crossing the ocean with a paper boat ... those days when it mattered most q candies silver ... q days when everything was simpler ... when I do not care how he was dressed and had hair like ... when I thought the world was fair q q people were honest ... when I thought everything was possible ... q when a hug from my parents could transform the worst tires in the best of smiles ... if only to dream enough to do whatever ... q q at the end when I thought the good always win ... those days was that little person in q q only knew of songs, games and color names. And the years passed ... growth ... "Mature" ... and at some point I learned too. Learned from wars, lies, hunger, prejudice, injustice, poverty, pain, sickness and death ... . Q What happened to the days when the worst q q q thought could happen was me q me out the ball, lost the figures oq, oq me last elected to the team? ... "Q step with the times when I thought all would live forever q porq q did not know or understand was death?. Q were times I was excited with simple things. Q times the music was clean and healthy ... q times there was magic. I remember when q was innocent and thought everyone was happy I porq was ... q when only thought was going to be when you grow without the worry of doing or not ... when I thought about how it would fulfill my dreams and how I was going to save the world. I would go back and walk on the beach ... and only think of the sand between my toes, without worrying about pollution ... would spend the whole day riding bikes and climbing trees in a park, not worry about me going to rob q. Q I remember in those days did not care about the time nor the money. I want to believe in the power of the smile, the hug, a kind word, justice, truth ... I want to believe in the power of dreams and imagination ... . I want to believe in humans and puppets want to redraw the sand and play with watercolors. Q I want to believe there is still that little person inside of me playing q q laughing ... q that little person going to save the world. I q even as an adult that child under 6 years still exists within me. I live so q q if that young person I once was somehow see me as I am today, q q I think the good and not evil ... I want to live and be someone that young person had dreamed of being when he grows ... . Maybe if we all acted and think a bit more like those little people q once were the world would be a better place.