Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cover Letter For Clothing Store Applicant

TIME TO NO he did not write??



Aids On Skin What Does It Look Like

fool who seeks something other than doing the same thing. Form

a bit ugly to say, but hey, sometimes for us to understand we have to talk so.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Huck Up Placess In Hyderabad

"Listen to what you do not say"

"Do not be fooled by mí.No let my apariencias.Porque fooled no more than a mask, maybe a thousand masks that I'm afraid to take off, although no representa.Doy me the impression of being sure that all going well, both inside and outside, I am the confidence personified, that calm is my second nature, which controls situacióny that I need not NADIE.Pero not believe me, I ruego.Externamente I can appear calm, but what you see is a mask. Below, hidden, is my true yosumido in confusion, fear and what soledad.Pero escondo.No sepa.Me want anyone who can saberse.Por terrified that I have constantly needfor create a mask that hides me a pretentious image the looks I protejade sagaces.Pero those looks are precisely my salvation, and I know perfectly, so they go acompañadasde acceptance and amor.Entonces, those looks, Make us an instrument that can get rid of myself, defensay mechanisms have raised barriers around me in the tool that can show what aquellode not convince: I have a valor.Pero really does not tell you, I have no courage, I afraid that your eyes do not come acompañadade amor.Quizá acceptance and fear what you might think, that you change your mind about me, make fun of your smile I meand fulmine.En Basically, what I fear is not worth nothing, and that you and I realize that I still have my rechaces.Por juegode desperate claims, with outward appearance with a trembling child SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS on my parade of Masks dentro.Despliego let my life become a ficción.Te story everything that does not care about anything, and nothing really matters, what consumes me dentro.Por that, when you recognize this routine, do not be fooled by my words, listen to what I tell you, what would mean, I need to say, but I can not hide decir.No like me, I assure you, I love being spontaneous, sincere and genuine, but you have to ayudarme.Por Please tiéndeme your hand, even when it seems that this is what deseo.Tú last thing you bring to light my life, whenever you appear friendly, attentive and diligent, every time you try to understand me, every time I accept that, despite what soy.Porque I want, my heart renace.Quiero beats and you know how important you are to meand the power you have, if you want, bring out the person I soy.Escúchame, I can break down the barrerastras ruego.Tú that shelter me, you can boot up my mask, you can get rid of my solitary confinement. Do not ignore me not pass by, please be patient conmigo.A sometimes seems that the closer you get, the more I rebel against your presence. It's irrational, but true: I fight for what I have that need. So many times we humans But love, the love of God that dwells within you, is stronger than any resistance, and therein lies my hope, my true esperanza.Ayúdame to break down your barrerascon steady hands, yet delicate, because in my living a boy and a child is always very fragile. Do you wonder who am I am someone you know very bien.Soy each person you encuentras.Soy ... Yourself ".

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Got Chlamydia From Receiving Oral

Because we have little or nothing to lose


For those who do not know where we go, and we paddled ...