Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Canadian Fashion 1870s

Colors and Styles Music

2010 will be unforgettable!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Long Does A Eye Migraine Last


These new find-scissors, I made in my last kind of patchwork. You can make thousands of models. I have made the two that I liked, that of the chicken for my friend Lola and the witch to me.
pis are made in a country and measure 7 x 7 so here the size is also ideal for scissors and do not get very bulky. And more models will teach you according to go by.
besin ...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Averatec1000 Wireless Driver Indir

love letters

few months ago, a friend told me that participate in the contest Montblac Love Letters and I also invited me to participate.

My friend is an enthusiastic person, whatever he undertakes he does like someone preparing to conquer the world, with all power and fury, and it is one of those persons determined, although they may sometimes feel faint, early return to ring, if possible, with more strength and determination than before.

course, she wrote her letter and insurance and shipping. I had the privilege of reading it and I felt very beautiful and touching, I am sure that, if it did not win, anyway sde or letter will be booting the smiles and will beat stronger for a little while to menso more than one heart.

I decided I do not ever write anything. Really, I think that writing is not giving me any good. I was flattered when my friend suggested it, but when I entered the website of Monteblanco and read about 2 or 3 cards, I was unable to write something at that point.

Today, when I read the blog of my friend saying that participated in the contest, I wondered who would have written my letter, if I had put it seriously ... many faces and names crossed my mind, people, loved ones, pets, friends ... But what good is fooling myself? I am very clear on who it would have written.

Who can get me out of the darkest world of gloom and sullen my mind with a single smile, just laughs when I disarms even mischievousness is more tense than the columns of the Empire State, in that he stole the eyes Heaven and took possession of his light, which makes me ease the pain, or at least keep them in the drawer for a while with the sound of his voice, that of whose lyrics alive, and I think I understand but no, that I the world, the name spelling, revere her laughter, her body rest, its presence feel, its very existence is my breath, and surprises me every time with a new facet to venture did not expect. And it could

write because there are no words to describe what it feels like him, or to explain what it means seeing the world for a second, through the framework in which he sees.

No, I can not. There are no words. My love letters are written daily in feelings, heartbeats, smiles, sighs, laughter, surprises, beats, sounds, rhythms, images and even screaming. Montblanc does not fit in that I live, every day, with joy or sadness, and that only I understand.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ian Somerhalder I Heart Boobies Bracelet

The Lord is my Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

In green pastures He makes me lie:
beside the still waters He leadeth me.

my soul:
Guiaráme the paths of righteousness for his name.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil: for thou art with me:
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

spread a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:
anoint my head with oil: my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:
And in the house of the Lord will live forever.

Dedicated to all those who died, disappeared from their families, injuries and are suffering from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Berger Every Glow Paint Chart


This blanket was the first to start doing in the wonderful world of patchwork. Is every bit every bit of hand check because at that time had no sewing machine, now that I have a sewing machine, but not I use it because we llebado well (ie we like) I had it almost finished, but I did finish quilting 3 mere border lines I have finished today. (After 2 YEARS! VALE AND ME! But I believed I was finished and looked at her today I found it .... so here were these LINES FINALLY I CAN SAY IS FINISHED!)
I brought my teacher and that's why I have great affection I show the reasons for the applied

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cheyne Stokes Dead Man's Shoe

The rite

The horror genre should be treated with kid gloves, is one of the more complex styles of cinema at the time of capture it in 35 mm, as well as the drama must require a good film, excellent direction and perfect performances in short tears would make them throw the face and gestures, among others.

"The Rite" , bet is the new Hollywood thriller that brings the hand from beginner Mikael Håfström and based on the book Matt Baglio ; tells the story of Michael Kovak ( Colin O'Donoghue) who is disappointed with his father and family life, so he decides to enter a seminary and give their votes. Time passes and Michael will become a deacon, however write a letter of resignation to Father Matthew ( Toby Jones), citing lack of faith. As Father Matthew about renewing the faith of Michael something happens and the Father Superior says it's called a priest, whether or not faith. After reluctantly accepting an invitation to travel to Rome to attend a course on exorcism. During the course will meet Angelina Vargas (Alice Braga), a journalist who attended the classes to write an article for newspaper. Michael, due to its remarkable skepticism, is sent to speak with Father Lucas ( Anthony Hopkins), a known and unorthodox exorcist. Father Michael Lucas take the darker side of their faith.

just happens to be counted starring Anthony Hopkins to give the tape level, is getting around how great this guy has been in every one of his unforgettable characters , but his histrionics is not magic to save the two hours of boredom and bias that generates the tape. There is a kind of slow that it favors the film, when have spent the first 45 minutes, the film becomes unbearable to the point where you get to wanting it to end, if not for the scene of the cat which is surprising and makes you jump out of the chair (a tool which is repeated three times) you thought you had stolen the box office. Rite discarded conceptual audacity to focus on the traditional weapons of the movies: a clear narrative, incidental music, female protagonist, excellent picture, climax, flashbacks and special effects. With these tools properly managed by the director, peaks at intensity and delivers a lot of scary scenes, but there does not happen, and even more cash from the action the simpleton Colin O'Donoghue which keeps the same face nerd since I started up the most charged scenes , may have believed that the network was jejeje when you see that comes Hopkins in the plot think things will get better but nothing to see, this is another film demons, exorcist and possessed, conventional and unoriginal powerful . Making it clear that since "The Exorcist" (1973) to date are all seen in areas of bush-demons ...

That lack of originality, when there are end the confrontation father the devil, what do you expect? head spinning, or running stubs way across the ceiling like a spider, but this film is not keep up with what should be, it is easier to cite what the film lacks what turned out (one of the bunch). Indeed it is highly recommended not to waste time watching this movie which is supposedly inspired by real events, Iris Valera's face is darker than the film.

Score 3 / 10

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Doujinshiamerican Dad

stoppages time For the first time I saw you on ...

A before being hooked to the series it was a movie (I recorded it be), and taking into account the large number of actors now prefer to work on the small screen, I want to do a small exercise of it by heart and remember where I first saw it.

Muriel's Wedding / Muriel 's Wedding, 1994 gathered Rachel Griffins and Toni Collette , and introduced me to the music of Abba, I saw a couple of years later, he was 9 then. De Griffins have been enjoying twice: in its role as Brenda Chenowith , impeccable Six Feet Under and being one of the pillars Brothers and Sisters of , Sarah Walker. And if I could enjoy twice as Toni Collette Rachel I can enjoy for 5? in United State of Tara, a jewel to begin its third season.

The count of the times I've seen The Princess Bride / The Princess Bride, 1987 I have lost. Mandy Patinkin always be Inigo Montoya, and have the sympathy of all to his eternal vengeance. Dio "life? Dead Like Me in the enigmatic Rube Sofer, the fact that it in the film was a terrible disappointment, as the film itself. Also in Criminal Minds was the head of unit of an elite crime squad, the Special Agent Jason Gideon .

interventions Hugh Laurie did not go unnoticed by anyone, in what for others would be a secondary Sense and Sensibility / Sense And Sensibility, 1995 is perfect and not only by history, also, every detail is taken care of a millimeter, the interpretation of Mr Palmer is an example. And he to the small screen makes it big with his portrayal of Dr. Gregory House , solving puzzles impossible and where we are privileged to see it grow in every way.

And one doctor to another, both wanted to be House, we know who did it. Can not Buy Me Love / Can 't Buy My Love, 1987 was one of the first papers and Patrick Dempsey is an icon of 80's teen movies. Matthew was a sports journalist who, for punishment of Will, was more comfortable in the closet Will & Grace and is currently McDreamy, I say Dr. Derek Shepherd in Grey's Anatomy . Mr. Dempsey the years have sat well.

And though it was The Dead Poets Society / Deads Poets Society, 1989 when I first saw a Josh Charles as Knox Overstreet their role in Three Forms of Love / Threesome 1994 of Eddy and the movie itself so remember forever. Two notable television appearances, his partner therapy in Treatment being Jake, the man behind the great woman and is now doing his best and suffering How Will only knows the exquisite The Good Wife.

Laura Linney is a lawyer used The two faces of truth / Primal Fear, 1996 reply giving a charm to Mr. Gere and now is doing the role of a lifetime Cathy as showing us how to face the end of it in The Big C , yes, its intervention in Frasier, Charlotte , putting his life upside down to the doctor is unforgettable.

This is what makes me more excited: My Stepmother Is an Alien / My Stepmother Is an Alien, 1988 where they appeared together for the first time Alyson Hannigan and Seth Green , the same as years later volerían to be together Buffy the Vampire Slayer , giving life to my beloved Willow and Oz . She currently have the pleasure of seeing it as Lily in How I Meet Your Mother and he was heard on Family Guy being Chris.

And where do you saw you first?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

How To Build A Rope Ladder?

Va recommendations: The Wire (3 rd Party)

The Wire is a proper name fledged. I've always heard and read the same definition for the series, which was like a puzzle, and after finishing I can not agree more. Everything fits, nothing is left to chance, and sometimes when you think that the story of history is too chaotic at the end you become a luxury spectator watching all the pieces fit perfectly.
; The Wire
What counts: The series is uncovering a crime levels in the city of Baltimore. Each season is responsible for introducing us to each: the first is drug trafficking, the second place in the ports, the third will be the policy, the council will be the center of everything, the fourth will lead to schools and also to their corners to finish in the fifth where the media are the protagonists.

Characters: McNulty [Dominic West] need to see it and yet it is very difficult to understand. Daniels [Lance Reddik] is responsible for maintaining order, but with McNulty in its ranks it will very complicated. Kima [Sonja Sohn] himself like nobody else in the world of men. Bubbles [Andre Royo] has the best evolution of the series. Omar [Michael K Williams] is the heart of everything we see. Stringer Bell [Idris Elba] pulls the strings at will. * That only touches, the series is full of great characters: Rhonda, Herc, Carver, Phelan, Bunk, Rawls, Prez, Burrel, Bodie, Wallace, D'Angelo Barksdale, Carcetti, Marlo, Chirs, Colvin, Slim Charles , Snoop, Clay Davis, Proposition Joe, Dukie, Michael, Randy, Wee-Bey, Beadie, Valchek, Vonda, Nick Sobotka, The Greek, Frank Sobotka, Ziggy, Alma, Scott, Gus, among others, yes, the great character in the series will always be Baltimore *

The time: 1x03 The Buys
- These are the pawns [talking about chess] . They are like soldiers. They move well, only one space forward except when they fight. So is this or that. And they're like the front lines are always fighting.
- And how do you become a king?
- not about that. Look, the king is king, right? Everything remains the same except for the peons. If a pawn reaches the opposite side of the board becomes queen. And as I said, the queen is no fool. She has all the moves.
- Well, then ... What if I get to the other side, I won?
- If you catch the king of the other type, then you win.
- But if I reach the other side I am the leader.
- No, no, look. In the game, the pawns are the load easily, leaving the game very quickly.
- Unless you are a smart pawn.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Old Woman Playing In Girdle

This Weekend weekend, we went to pass it on to Zaragoza and spent (or not) by the Fair Creative Zaragoza. It must be said, that was not bad the show but it is also true that after being in Sitges or Barcelona Creative Fair, everything else will know shortly.
I'll stick with that Zaragoza could see the forum and I know my dear Bethlehem and Sara.
I leave you a little story for you to see how it went.
A Saludin! Upon entering

was a tiny exhibition, with this quilt that I loved:

One of the best positions, that of this girl (who nose like it's called) and all your work was based primarily on linens and felts (precioso!!)

This quilt that I loved, but the truth is that there were always people on the job and I could never do alone (I hope you do not mind these ladies out in my blog)

These pads that I loved

Not everything will be patchwork, I fell in love with this menina, as always my weakness

Bethlehem and I
And just when I was that little spent together ... but it was a real treat! When we have to match!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Calculate The Annealing Temperature Of Primers

Alejandro Sanz at Festival of Viña del Mar 2011

My favorite part:)