Monday, February 14, 2011

Denise Milani Blog Skins Be

Love is

currently the subject of the series is the most varied, we can find a terminally ill cancer patients who are dedicated to produce methamphetamine in his spare time for extra money, serial murderers in the evening, which working days for the police or mothers rather than seeking a poorly paid job decide to become camel is the best output. These are the starting points to tell a story, but we can not forget the presence of that love or love relationships, which are not always romantic in nature, have in the overall weight of history.

teenage love, that which makes us do crazy things without thinking, Rory type when planted in New York to see Jess the graduation day of their madre.Incluso leads you to fear for your life when you start out with Julie, the daughter of your coach, right Matt? A Blair took her to get in a limo with Chuck Bass and do not want to leave. A Angela gave him the courage to forgive the unforgivable to Catalano. A Pacey Dawson allowed to not only steal the spotlight, also the girl, Joey . And Veronica gave us the story of television LoVe with Logan .

that young age but love is still part of our lives. Sydney was a double agent but also had time to fall in love with Vaughn . Carrie found a stronger addiction to Big than it did for Manolos. Luke was always clear and touched the hearts of Lorelai for coffee. Caroline proved to us Richard that opposites attract. For Desmond and Penny , I do not look for love, I seek my constant. We have seen House sink into the depths, now love him very Cuddy grande.Y Ross and Rache l gave us hope, if they could find their medialangosta, all we can.

Of course, there are times that no one dares to take the step and seizes TSNR However, being told to Booth and Brennan, have it all when they're together oh wait, they still lack something xD O'Connell and Fleischman left us wanting more on many occasions. Donna was able to finish the sentences Josh, and their eyes said more than endless conversaciones.A sometimes one party takes advantage, Nancy is an expert with Andy therein. But experts here are Niles and Daphne, the doctor miss it tattooed on your face so that she knew it.

There are times when the heart guide us on the one hand and head by another, giving rise to love triangles. One of the most complex is formed by Olivia "Peter Zorrivia , both foreign share their way of life is another story. The Salvatore, Damon and Stefan, Elena yearn for, for now Katherine was smarter and to decide what proved to ambos.Al first it seemed that Jeff was destined to be with Britta but Annie not feel the same, sometimes not Jeff. Kate on the island preferred Sawyer and beyond to Jack, that's organization señores.La head tells Alicia continue with Peter , but his feet, saying his heart was Will point. Buffy not live the typical relationship at 3, but the shadow of Angel always chased Spike and vice versa.

And love is built and what a routine is actually called complicity. If you also share a fondness for cheesy movies like Phil and Claire is also a plus. Meredith and Derek taught us to fight crisis with post-it wedding, very intimate and Bette and Tina económica.Juntas could trigger thousand bombs, are explosive chemistry. Jim and Pam are an example, complement, have fun and watch them together is a pleasure. Allison and Joe are a real marriage, and he wants despite not let him sleep forever, that's love. Another proof of love is complicity with Eric and Tammi when viewed.

And sometimes it is not the romantic love that fills every day, if not a friend, or sister. The mischief of Karen and Jack always managed to cheer each other. Willow and Xander shared everything, commenting on the evening as they were his life. The phone will for the Walker's house but Kevrah is what has more pull. Vorenus and Pullo are also a couple of friends but now they are epic and Abed and Troy those in the limelight for his relationship Joey and Chandler are the pioneers, made us laugh but we were excited.

The conclusion is simple, love is like the evil that takes many forms, so you can play one type or another, going to the consoles is not because they want

xD Happy Valentine for all ^ _ ^


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