Saturday, February 26, 2011

Soul Silver 2011 Clean Rom

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The inseparable brothers Jesse Ethan Coen David Coen and Joel have demonstrated over time its excellent performance film and its dominance in gender diversity is comedy, black humor, or drama mafia gangster and do well but the black humor and mafia movies are his forte. We left a sacred cow called "No Country for old man," considered by many as his masterpiece and the best movie of the decade 2000-2009, after the play was seized them with the exiled "Burn After Reading ", "A Single Man." this past year for heroes dressed and took his pen to give life to a style that was considered extinct "True Grit" or "hardening of steel", the film is adapted from the novel by Charles Portis , which was also made into movies 1969.

There is a saying very wise but who says native Variety is the taste, this is precisely what has characterized the Coen, to the point that has placed in the arena as a reference for quality contemporary cinema. Grit is a work of art shades perfectly finished with excellent time-scale miscellaneous in the style of the Wild West, featuring a perfect direction, with a wonderful finish giving excellent tones, has much to contribute from a spanking girl up in Wild West showdown.

and has made exquisite script as strokes, which involves a classic argument but fun quite digestible for the viewer and creative despite being an adaptation. With this film, something unusual happens, is one of the few remakes that is at the height of the original, without much to invent, and not lacking in force. It happens that this film is a rare phenomenon that seldom occurs, it is a remake as good and funny as the original, if you do get a true copy thereof. The funny thing is that the tape is captured under the current format but seems to have AIDS recorded, and written in the 50's, an era where the scripts were virgins and locked in talks with a certain innocence and heroism, now an extinct species, but remembered by the brilliant brothers.

The art direction was handled with great care, was given a grayish hue which together with original music created an atmosphere of sadness, but with some hope melancholy. About photography, drawings and setting night as such offered interesting times full of unique beauty. As the proceedings there was no one out of place or wrong interpretations by contrast level was up to the majors, especially Matt Damon, which in each job that shows how big it can be and wants to be , actually liked me more than Jeff Bridges which I have nothing to point out the always excellent and exquisite. Regarding Hailee Steinfeld and Josh Brolin quite acceptable for interpretation so glad that the new Matti achieved an Oscar nomination.

Indeed I am loving this style of films but I recognize it's a movie perfectly achieved, with the premises of WESTERN film in the style of the Wild West where justice is proclaimed and heroes under intelligent innocence and parliaments. Despite the brothers ten nominations ended empty-handed leaving the Academy Awards, it is notable that year was very fruitful and productive for the film won a pity that it is not the best of 2010.

Score 8.3/10


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