Monday, January 31, 2011

How Long Can Trichomonias Symptoms Last

accomplish a task assigned by an Angel, I will comment on 5 of my favorite books ... as you will see are neither too deep nor too brainy nor too academic ...

5.-Love Story - Erich Segal

This book I read in my teens as it is in the library of my mother, abused by age and old man, is saved with all the care in the world, and the version of my house is equal to the Photo:

Suffice it to say that I cried and cried and I was moved to the bone with the story of Jennifer and Oliver, who by the way, I later learned was a movie and I was dying to see her, I could make like 15 years later ... to be disappointed because I thought it was a simple, pale version of a great romance.

4 .- Ami Child Star - Enrique Barrios :

Ami is as magical as I can only compare with the Prince ... a book just for kids that some not so young as we like lemonade on a hot, hard day. I say no more, if their attention, look it lol

Mine has tumbled me wherever I've moved ... and does not intend to leave and never pay it back because I realized that if you lend, not give it back.

3 .- Illusions - Richard Bach

"Illusions" I read it because it gave me the mother of a friend from college. As I liked This book took me horrors return, I read and reread and copied whole passages from it on my computer before returning it to its owner.

Richard was already one of my favorite writers but this is my favorite of all his books. Over the years I could buy it and part of my group "will travel with me wherever I go."

2 .- The Assyrian - Nicholas Guilde

This treasure of a book my mom got it from the hundreds of books in the house of my Aunt Mary, whose library grows indiscriminately, if care or control, as in your home are book lovers. I believe that the Assyria was the first book that I woke up reading to learn as fast as he could and ended .... to stay like a mummy because the way, I learned that there is below.

The Assyrian is one of the most exciting books I have ever read.

course, not being me I had to return ... and never got where to buy it. When I moved to Puerto Ordaz crushed all the time my mother with the same ... "If you where my Aunt Mary and you get paid the Assyrian ask Him again" ... my mother, over the years, not only provided but got a gift, so now is mine (hehehe, I love my mom).

Unfortunately, I never managed to get the 2nd part of this novel called "Star of Blood." Although Nicholas Guild is a genius, it seems that his books were not reprinted and a copy of the Assyrian Star of Blood, The Macedonian or any of his books cost a pretty penny even if it is used, and in Venezuela, I have never seen.

I at least managed to get the Macedonian, who is also great, someday I'll get Star Blood ... by the way, my birthday is in June;)

1 .- The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist I think I read through my mom. It was love at first view ... every time I'm really depressed I read it again. I'm not saying that I understand, or even practice what he preaches, but the story of young James changed his flock for money and sailed to Egypt to find his treasure is a story that always manages to comfort the heart causes Paulo is my consented writer (as most people on this planet.)

So, there they can. If the list could be longer, including Agatha Christie had their "Ten Little Indians" JK Rowling "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" (which is my favorite of his books 7) to JRR Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings (all three together because they could separate one of the others), The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice ... etc ... but hey, five five.

If someone wants to share his list, is welcome.

Kisses to all.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Where To Put Footprint Tattoo

Here I show the first part of the salt of the Japanese basket. The truth is that if it were not for one person (I'd rather not say his name) would not have gotten done, because the hammer of this salt is not the patrones.Y sent me and I had made and without patterns! (Hahaha) I hope the second goal at least I get. I'll tell you because this has been joke ... understand that it is because we are many and have altered my e-mail or I know.
But at least I want to show that you may see me if I made my block.

Although the photo is not very well appreciated, I have padded with a thread that goes in different colors (all in earth tones) and I think that was best suited for this job. The shoe is a bit tentative because I do not like too much is, I located is going to leave a shoe-shaped button to see if we can convince some more ... and I will tell you that.

Well I hope you enjoy and that I can show the following blocks, because as we all know this from lleba a salt should be a mess from here I hope and trust that everything has been a misunderstanding and soon to send my second goal.
bye ....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bithday Quotes On Easter Sunday

task Food for Thought

leader 30STM, Jared Leto, always has something interesting to say about life, the universe and stuff. Here are some delicious snacks that come from the table of his mind and he has shared with K! in these years:

- "When you live your dreams do not feel like work, but it is important to take some time off for yourself, it's good to make time for your own company."
- "I never think people are clapping for us. In fact, I do not hear at all."
- "I could be the worst enemy. But I'd rather have friends than enemies. And I walk long distances to be the case. There is a lot more satisfaction in having friends."
- "When you're young, do not you know you're poor, you just know whether you are happy. And I was happy and loved. My mother did everything she could to achieve, and the lesson I learned from childhood is that possible to pursue happiness, no matter where that search takes you. "
- "I lived on the street when I was a kid, and was not even in school, so I had a completely different set of experiences in those formative years. I was out, I was gone. I was precarious in many places when I was young. "
-" The approval is not necessary. It's nice when you have it but we will not stop being who we are. I mean, if he had waited to hear approval would not have lasted even one day on stage! but to be criticized, if there is any validity, and shows you how you are, you can learn from it. "
-" I have heard I am gay, a prostitute, I smoke crack and I am a complete idiot. "
-" We do not want to be a band to keep our fans in the distance. This has always been us and our fans together. We've been on an amazing journey with our fans, but knowing that the best is yet to come is a very exciting feeling for us. "

Posted in Kerrang Magazine in its issue of January 2011.
Translated by: Story.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Discontinued Pottery Barn Bennington

Japanese are Eva and Willma lottery! 7 th Block

For that, Eve has decided to make a cyber-project to sell their products on Facebook and for this, will do a lot!
I leave your page to see him yourself. You can FREE list until 12 pm on January 26.

Eva Suerteeeee !!!!.

and Willman (who also meets the same birthday of my mother), to celebrate its third year of Blog is celebrating among her followers with this beautiful bag
A FREE list you waiting for??

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Long Does Shoulder Hematoma Take

detract from the Parque del Este

Fifty years ago opened the exhibition designed by Burle Marx

by Beatriz Salazar.

the splendor that was fifty years ago little remains. Ni retains its name, but for users, Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda never cease to be the Parque del Este.'s five decades that have left their mark and that authorities could not clear: at a glance the dry grass, dismantled banks, playgrounds and restrooms closed neglected leave a distaste among those who visit.

A time trial yesterday Inparques workers tried to remove the traces of neglect. One group cut the grass, others painted the curbs and bases of the banks (though they had no wood to sit), while another group has committed to completing the walkways that began to repair a few months ago.

arrangements are appreciated, but users who know about this say that this effort is not enough. Raquel Scharffenorth, a member of the Defense Committee, recalled that the park opened in 1961, is a masterpiece of modern landscape and have not received the attention it deserves.

"Arrangements are being made, but there is a comprehensive recovery plan of landscaping. The work has been undertaken as if it were an ordinary recreational park, but here is an important collection of flora and fauna that requires special attention" says Scharffenorth.

low and medium vegetation was lost significantly, from the viewpoint of the Users' Committee and Park Advocates. The original design by Roberto Burle Marx, Fernando Tabora and John Stoddart, recalls Scharffenorth, including a representation of Venezuelan ecosystems.

Marisela Diaz, coach, 50 years old visiting the park and misses the little boats on the lake, the service light on walkways and deer that were once part of the park. "We have lost a lot of vegetation because the park was abandoned for many years," laments the user.

Most agree, including the authorities, the need to diversify the spaces. The park was designed for the six thousand users per week and today receives at least 50 mil.

Leander Construction of a museum in honor of Miranda which began in 2008, remains a concern for those who visit the park frequently. "That would look very bad, that was a wonderful place for children and the truth and are not nearly spaces for children, "says Aida Perez, Altagracia neighbor who visit the park at least three times a week.

But despite everything, the 77 acres of relaxed and the wildlife that live in them continues to invite thousands of people daily. Paolo Facci recovering from leg injury going twice a day to park. Cree is needed to educate people to keep the area green. But , never tires of enjoying your walks surrounded by nature.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma In Mumbai Studio

Salt Family "Taking Tea" and now

Well at last, my seventh block of salt Rosa Server Family.
This new block has been super fun, I reminded myself as a kid playing with my dolls to tea. With heels of my mother that I had like ten sizes too big, those earrings caught behind his jeweler that every time I saw them scolding me ... ays to memories!

Hope you like it as much as me.

A Salute to everyone!!

Service Manual P185wjd

Jared Haiti Haiti Photo Book

Jared Leto, who lived as a child for at least a year in Haiti when his mother worked there, was felt from the outset very touched by what happened in this country.

was he who won the auction for braces that Larry King did on his show to raise money for Haiti, and also volunteered at Hope for Haiti, taking calls in the program that was broadcast worldwide to raise money for this country.

A year after the earthquake, just finished the concert New Year's Eve in Texas, Jared disappeared for a few days. Some think, finally went for a walk to relax! since the issue of short for "Hurricane" the tour, and everything else where Jared gets involved, they had pretty tired. He looked haggard, thin and tired in the pictures of the last shows and the truth, more than one of us (Echelon) were (and followed estándolo) concerned about your health.

But no, Jared was not with his brother Shannon in the divine beaches of Mexico or at home in LA as Tomo. Was nothing more and nothing less than Haiti along with several NGOs that are still there, taking pictures for his new project: a book of photos of Haiti. All I picked this book will go 100% to support Haiti.

Jared says he is not doctor, knows no construction or politics, so being an artist can only think of using the things he can do to help a country that not only is having a great evil, but that much still to do and hopes for recovery are few but they exist.

If you are interested in the book of Jared, use the link that is down.
Vive Haiti

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Effects Of Aluminium Zirconium Octachlorohydrex

Photo: Jared Leto

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Farewell Invitation Sayings

Alejandro awarded the Hispanic Heritage Award of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers

receive recognition in the nineteenth edition of the Awards to be held in Miami on March 24, 2011

The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) will hold its nineteenth edition of the ASCAP Award on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at the Ritz Carlton in Miami Beach, FL. The ceremony will honor the songwriters and publishers of the most widespread in Latin music in 2010.

One of the most anticipated moments of the awards will be the ASCAP Award for The Hispanic Heritage Alejandro Sanz, in recognition of his significant contributions to Latin music.

Other artists who have received such recognition in previous years were: Armando Manzanero, Antonio Aguilar, Celia Cruz, Ricardo Montaner, Ednita Nazario, Franco de Vita, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Olga Tanon and Ricardo Arjona.

During the ceremony, ASCAP will also recognize the Songwriter of the Year, Publisher of the Year, Independent Publisher of the Year, Hot Latin Song of the Year award in addition also the following categories: Pop, Tropical, Mexican Regional, Urban and Television.

Recently, Alexander has been nominated for a Grammy Award for "Best Latin Pop Album," won the Latin Grammy Award for "Best Male Pop Vocal Album" and was honored in Washington DC with Vision Award, recognition given by the White House through the Heritage Foundation for their selfless work.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Kamehasutra Time Traveler

New Sal ... in Redwork

Nothing new adventure ... and also in REDWORK! That kind of work that I like but never released me to do because I never find a picture that comes to me like it all!. We propose it

from so here I hope you animeis.

A Saludin.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Want To Watch Wwe In Ten Sports


It's funny, but almost all the books we like and call it simply by name, Paulo.

More curious still is feeling an author with a life so unusual, like so mystical and insurance, as transcendental as well as close to one, almost like a friend.

is that if there is anything you know earn Paulo Coelho, is the heart of its readers.

Yes, I know that those who do not like his books, not only do not care, they come to hate, criticize, disparage and spread venom against him at every opportunity presented to them ... is something that always caused me curious.

I have friends who hate him, and others who consider her books mega boring. and never tire of a vox populi redone .. I just share with millions of people around the world the love of books by Paulo and I can never think of him without a smile.

Just a few days to finish the biography of Paul who wrote the renowned Brazilian writer Fernando Morais, and I must say that although many things and knew the same books of Paul, never ceases to amaze rarity that has been his life.

is that there are parts that read gasped, for example, his wanderings through the world of drugs (and knew it was the consumer, but at what level), all the women he has been linked, but especially I'm surprised the level of courage that Paul has made over the years.

Because that to give the papers you have written your whole life to a writer, where you put your most intimate thoughts (from best to worst), to write a biography of your life, even after leaving for writing that should be burned after your death, should not be anything but easy.

Certainly, I loved reading the lives of Paul, that if either Wizard or not, the critics hated and loved by their readers, try to destroy their opponents and the decorated kings and presidents, I think it is a human being wonderful, with strengths and weaknesses like all of us, which was taken as a life mission to fulfill his dream ... and finally succeeded ...

Obrigado Paulo.

Monday, January 3, 2011

What Happened To Akiba-online

started the year with ... 6 th SAL BLOCK


this Christmas Nothing is truth I had little time to my sewing, but I have always made those little moments available, to go by Salt blocks the Family (proposed by Rosa Server).
This evening, myself, have completed the block "Grandparents", a super cool grandparents and of course, in my favorite colors ... purple.
Soon I will show the other block that I just have scalloped, the truth is that they are super happy!

Well I'll tell you ... Hope you like it! and of course, many thanks Rosa!.

Kisses to everyone!!

Disney Cinemagic Live

everywhere but do not know what you ... Special

was planning to publish on 28 but the flu made me his own joke. How I have no imagination to invent anything because I got to tell you something that is true but it may seem otherwise.

is very easy to confess that have fallen surrendered after seeing the Duke of Suffolk in all its splendor, pining for Booth litter and would like to question you, among other things, you are captivated by the magnetism of Damon and you've never admired both a tattoo until you saw all of Jax. Well these days we have seen the faces of those they possessed in the calendar throughout the year palotero Slayer 2011 Calendar and in turn @ imtokky on his blog has done a review men and sexiest women on television in 2010 , because today I am going to present a select group of boys in principle and perhaps in all others, also have nothing but me I like ladies and gentlemen.

I glad to know that I take 3 years, when I saw Freaks and Geeks for the first time I felt that was bordering on illegality. I've seen all the movies by Seth Rogen and I know that does not make sense because they are not even good, old virgin The 40 years is the exception, at least for me. That air of big boy, I love smug and disoriented, and fantastic and I will not deny, his curls well.
Entourage I have the heart for this entry divided between Billy Walsh and Billy won Turtle but could not be any film forma.Director eccentric, neurotic, everything gets no helps to soften the character. These pints of longer life and I loved her permanent insanity, is training. That it the rehabilitated I do not like anything. Nor is it to wish a relapse plan or anything, right? xD

Tig it seems to be strange at the time begins to speak you could say that is some kind of pervert but that's another story. Live with the rules of his club and is faithful to them, is all that is true, for the rest of the world is amoral but especially rare, and that's what attracts me to him, and his blue eyes too But nobody panic while Jax on screen do not look at anyone else but of course gives you disappear and I entertain with Tig. Also last season is gone and has been accompanied by Kozik, for it is full of happiness but of course he is in another league: P

Lee Scanlon is one of my secrets less hidden in this area, but the reason the entry and could not miss. View with sunglasses is one of the pleasures that I provided in my beloved detective Medium. Yes, he loves me a whole. I still remember the monumental tantrum caught me at the end of season 3 that was triple, which took no sunglasses at any moment, gentlemen leading the series because forget that history is recreated in Phoenix, Arizona, where he has to do more SOL than in Seville, wanted to kill me, I know.

Going the Distance was seeing and knew I had to get to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia by Charlie Day, wait for the Christmas break and that I am .. Charlie is my latest acquisition in these areas dark. The series has delighted me but it's his character I enjoy most. I do not know if it will be his madness, his dyslexia and illiteracy, its logic, the style that characterizes it, their costumes, blue eyes, the beard that makes me or freckles, but it is adorable, I love, I had fun and I can.

Here ends my crazy love. Some brave in his own room confesses.