Friday, January 28, 2011

Where To Put Footprint Tattoo

Here I show the first part of the salt of the Japanese basket. The truth is that if it were not for one person (I'd rather not say his name) would not have gotten done, because the hammer of this salt is not the patrones.Y sent me and I had made and without patterns! (Hahaha) I hope the second goal at least I get. I'll tell you because this has been joke ... understand that it is because we are many and have altered my e-mail or I know.
But at least I want to show that you may see me if I made my block.

Although the photo is not very well appreciated, I have padded with a thread that goes in different colors (all in earth tones) and I think that was best suited for this job. The shoe is a bit tentative because I do not like too much is, I located is going to leave a shoe-shaped button to see if we can convince some more ... and I will tell you that.

Well I hope you enjoy and that I can show the following blocks, because as we all know this from lleba a salt should be a mess from here I hope and trust that everything has been a misunderstanding and soon to send my second goal.
bye ....


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