Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Long Does Shoulder Hematoma Take

detract from the Parque del Este

Fifty years ago opened the exhibition designed by Burle Marx

by Beatriz Salazar.

the splendor that was fifty years ago little remains. Ni retains its name, but for users, Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda never cease to be the Parque del Este.'s five decades that have left their mark and that authorities could not clear: at a glance the dry grass, dismantled banks, playgrounds and restrooms closed neglected leave a distaste among those who visit.

A time trial yesterday Inparques workers tried to remove the traces of neglect. One group cut the grass, others painted the curbs and bases of the banks (though they had no wood to sit), while another group has committed to completing the walkways that began to repair a few months ago.

arrangements are appreciated, but users who know about this say that this effort is not enough. Raquel Scharffenorth, a member of the Defense Committee, recalled that the park opened in 1961, is a masterpiece of modern landscape and have not received the attention it deserves.

"Arrangements are being made, but there is a comprehensive recovery plan of landscaping. The work has been undertaken as if it were an ordinary recreational park, but here is an important collection of flora and fauna that requires special attention" says Scharffenorth.

low and medium vegetation was lost significantly, from the viewpoint of the Users' Committee and Park Advocates. The original design by Roberto Burle Marx, Fernando Tabora and John Stoddart, recalls Scharffenorth, including a representation of Venezuelan ecosystems.

Marisela Diaz, coach, 50 years old visiting the park and misses the little boats on the lake, the service light on walkways and deer that were once part of the park. "We have lost a lot of vegetation because the park was abandoned for many years," laments the user.

Most agree, including the authorities, the need to diversify the spaces. The park was designed for the six thousand users per week and today receives at least 50 mil.

Leander Construction of a museum in honor of Miranda which began in 2008, remains a concern for those who visit the park frequently. "That would look very bad, that was a wonderful place for children and the truth and are not nearly spaces for children, "says Aida Perez, Altagracia neighbor who visit the park at least three times a week.

But despite everything, the 77 acres of relaxed and the wildlife that live in them continues to invite thousands of people daily. Paolo Facci recovering from leg injury going twice a day to park. Cree is needed to educate people to keep the area green. But , never tires of enjoying your walks surrounded by nature.



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